c++ - OpenCV - cvExtractSURF is causing a memory leak? -

i using opencv function: cvextractsurf finding major memory leak. has implemented call?

my code follows:

iplimage *cvimage = [self createiplimagefromuiimage:image grayscale:yes];  cvmemstorage* storage = cvcreatememstorage(0);  cvseq *objectkeypoints = 0; //cvseq *objectdescriptors = 0;  cvsurfparams params = cvsurfparams(self.hessianthreshold, 0); double tt = (double)cvgettickcount();  //extract features cvextractsurf( cvimage, 0, &objectkeypoints, null, storage, params, 0);  tt = (double)cvgettickcount() - tt; //nslog(@"%d features found in %gms seconds\n", objectkeypoints->total, tt/(cvgettickfrequency()*1000.));  cvreleaseimage(&cvimage); cvreleasememstorage(&storage); 

any ideas leaking? when comment out line:

cvextractsurf( cvimage, 0, &objectkeypoints, null, storage, params, 0); 

no leak occurs.

the function cvextractsurf creates list of objects of type cvsurfpoint , puts pointer in objectkeypoints. have free up.

add call...

cvrelease((void **)&objectkeypoints); 


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