functional programming - Haskell function application and currying -
i interested in learning new languages, fact keeps me on toes , makes me (i believe) better programmer. attempts @ conquering haskell come , go - twice far - , decided time try again. 3rd time's charm, right?
nope. re-read old notes... , disappointed :-(
the problem made me lose faith last time, easy one: permutations of integers. i.e. list of integers, list of lists - list of permutations:
[int] -> [[int]]
this in fact generic problem, replacing 'int' above 'a', still apply.
from notes:
i code first on own, succeed. hurrah!
i send solution friend of mine - haskell guru, helps learn gurus - , sends me this, told, "expresses true power of language, use of generic facilities code needs". it, drank kool-aid, let's go:
permute :: [a] -> [[a]] permute = foldr (concatmap.ins) [[]] ins x [] = [[x]] ins x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys):[ y:res | res <- ins x ys]
hmm. let's break down:
bash$ cat b.hs ins x [] = [[x]] ins x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys):[ y:res | res <- ins x ys] bash$ ghci prelude> :load b.hs [1 of 1] compiling main ( b.hs, interpreted ) ok, modules loaded: main. *main> ins 1 [2,3] [[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1]]
ok, far, good. took me minute understand second line of "ins", ok: places 1st arg in possible positions in list. cool.
now, understand foldr , concatmap. in "real world haskell", dot explained...
(f . g) x syntax for...
f (g x)
and in code guru sent, dot used foldr, "ins" function fold "collapse":
*main> let g=concatmap . ins *main> g 1 [[2,3]] [[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1]]
ok, since want understand how dot used guru, try equivalent expression according dot definition, (f . g) x = f (g x) ...
*main> concatmap (ins 1 [[2,3]]) <interactive>:1:11: couldn't match expected type `a -> [b]' against inferred type `[[[t]]]' in first argument of `concatmap', namely `(ins 1 [[2, 3]])' in expression: concatmap (ins 1 [[2, 3]]) in definition of `it': = concatmap (ins 1 [[2, 3]])
what!?! why? ok, check concatmap's signature, , find needs lambda , list, that's human thinking; how ghc cope? according definition of dot above...
(f.g)x = f(g x),
...what did valid, replace-wise:
(concatmap . ins) x y = concatmap (ins x y)
scratching head...
*main> concatmap (ins 1) [[2,3]] [[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1]]
so... dot explanation apparently simplistic... dot must somehow clever enough understand in fact wanted "ins" curri-ed away , "eat" first argument - becoming function wants operate on [t] (and "intersperse" them '1' in possible positions).
but specified? how did ghc knew this, when invoked:
*main> (concatmap . ins) 1 [[2,3]] [[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1]]
did "ins" signature somehow conveyed this... "eat first argument" policy?
*main> :info ins ins :: t -> [t] -> [[t]] -- defined @ b.hs:1:0-2
i don't see nothing special - "ins" function takes 't', list of 't', , proceeds create list "interspersals". nothing "eat first argument , curry away".
so there... baffled. understand (after hour of looking @ code!) goes on, but... god almighty... perhaps ghc makes attempts see how many arguments can "peel off"?
let's try no argument "curried" "ins", oh gosh, boom, let's try 1 argument "curried" "ins", yep, works, must it, proceed)
again - yikes...
and since comparing languages learning know, how "ins" in python?
a=[2,3] print [a[:x]+[1]+a[x:] x in xrange(len(a)+1)] [[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1]]
be honest, now... simpler?
i mean, know newbie in haskell, feel idiot... looking @ 4 lines of code hour, , ending assuming compiler... tries various interpretations until finds "clicks"?
to quote lethal weapon, "i old this"...
(f . g) x = f (g x)
this true. concluded that
(f . g) x y = f (g x y)
must true, not case. in fact, following true:
(f . g) x y = f (g x) y
which not same.
why true? (f . g) x y
same ((f . g) x) y
, since know (f . g) x = f (g x)
can reduce (f (g x)) y
, again same f (g x) y
so (concatmap . ins) 1 [[2,3]]
equivalent concatmap (ins 1) [[2,3]]
. there no magic going on here.
another way approach via types:
has type (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> -> c
, concatmap
has type (x -> [y]) -> [x] -> [y]
, ins
has type t -> [t] -> [[t]]
. if use concatmap
b -> c
argument , ins
a -> b
argument, a
becomes t
, b
becomes [t] -> [[t]]
, c
becomes [[t]] -> [[t]]
(with x
= [t]
, y
= [t]
so type of concatmap . ins
t -> [[t]] -> [[t]]
, means function taking whatever , list of lists (of whatevers) , returning list of lists (of same type).
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