java - example of spring declarative roolback-for? -
want declarative transactional management example in spring aop........
actually here
<aop:config> <aop:advisor advice-ref="addadvice" pointcut="execution(* com.dao.*.*(..))"/> </aop:config> <tx:advice id="addadvice" transaction-manager="transactionmanager"> <tx:attributes> <tx:method name="add*" propagation="required" rollback-for="" /> </tx:attributes> </tx:advice>
so here want write rollback-for="" , there method or else? , if method method put?
in rollback-for
specify name of exception. example if you want rollback your.pkg.noproductinstockexception
, write
this make transaction rolled if encounters exception matches specified. if exception thrown not match, propagated caller of service or wrapped transactionrolledbackexception
the transaction documentation explains:
the recommended way indicate spring framework's transaction infrastructure transaction's work rolled throw exception code executing in context of transaction. spring framework's transaction infrastructure code catch unhandled exception bubbles call stack, , make determination whether mark transaction rollback.
in default configuration, spring framework's transaction infrastructure code marks transaction rollback in case of runtime, unchecked exceptions; is, when thrown exception instance or subclass of runtimeexception. (errors - default - result in rollback). checked exceptions thrown transactional method not result in rollback in default configuration.
you can configure exception types mark transaction rollback, including checked exceptions.
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