iphone - How can I use a nonstandard color for the UIScrollView indicator? -

the ui gives 3 options uiscrollviewindicatorstyle, want make uiscrollview indicator red, not 1 of standard styles.

can this? if so, how?

yes!! can

both uiscrollview indicator sub view of uiscrollview. so, can access subview of uiscrollview , change property of subview.

1 .add uiscrollviewdelegate

@interface viewcontroller : uiviewcontroller<uiscrollviewdelegate> @end 

2. add scrollviewdidscroll in implementation section

-(void)scrollviewdidscroll:(uiscrollview *)scrollview1 {     //get refrence of vertical indicator     uiimageview *verticalindicator = ((uiimageview *)[scrollview.subviews objectatindex:(scrollview.subviews.count-1)]);     //set color vertical indicator     [verticalindicator setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor redcolor]];       //get refrence of horizontal indicator     uiimageview *horizontalindicator = ((uiimageview *)[scrollview.subviews objectatindex:(scrollview.subviews.count-2)]);     //set color horizontal indicator     [horizontalindicator setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor bluecolor]]; } 

note:- because these indicator update every time when scroll (means reset default). so, put code in scrollviewdidscroll delegate method.

enter image description here demo available on github - https://github.com/ioshacks/uiscrollviewindicatorcolor


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