c# - How do i convert from one collection to another -

i have:

 ienumerable<foo> foolist 

and want convert to:

ienumerable<bar> barlist 

is there linq / lambda solution move 1 other

both objects (foo , bar) have simple properties going convert. example:

 bar.myyear = foo.year 

they each have 6 properties

you can do:

ienumerable<bar> barlist = foolist.select(          foo => new bar(foo.year)); // add other construction requirements here... 

enumerable.select projection function, perfect type conversions. help:

projects each element of sequence new form.


since bar doesn't have constructor (from comments), can use object initializers instead:

ienumerable<bar> barlist = foolist.select(      foo => new bar()                  {                     year = foo.year,                      month = foo.month                     // add other properties needed here...                 }); 


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