iphone - Easy way to link UITableViewCell to Object property in CRUD using Core Data -
first, have different forms generate automatically (uitableview). forms consits of textfields, pickers, , switches. generate them using self wrote plist file logic in it.
second, have made objects fill via datamodel , work fine.
now, it' time "the best practice" fill uitableviewcells objects , vica verca.
what can do( dont't it)
uitableviewcell *celltofillup = [self.tableview cellforrowatindexpath:0]; celltofillup = helloworldobject.property1; uitableviewcell *celltofillup = [self.tableview cellforrowatindexpath:1]; celltofillup = helloworldobject.property2;
but looks silly. there way handle this?
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