vb.net - Linq join on parameterized distinct key CASE INSENSITIVE -

to revisit previous question further stipulation...

anyone know how following, ignoring case?

dim matches = mrows in linqmastertable join srows in linqsecondtable _          on mrows(theprimarykey) equals srows(theforignkey) _          order mrows(theprimarykey) _          select mrows, srows 

for details query , it's functions / usage, previous post here.


here's kind of tables we're querying:

linqmastertable:  ------------------------------------- |theprimarykey| description           |  ------------------------------------- |green        | green apple |  |green        | green apple |  |green        | green apple |  |red          | red apple   |  |red          | red apple   |  |red          | red apple   |   -------------------------------------  linqsecondtable  -------------------------- |theforignkey | appleprice |  --------------------------  |green        | $0.90      |  |pink         | $0.80      |  |red          | $0.85      |  |yellow       | $0.79      |  -------------------------- 

and here's desired outcome:

 -------------------------------------- |green | green apple | $0.90 | |green | green apple | $0.90 |  |green | green apple | $0.90 | |red   | red apple   | $0.85 | |red   | red apple   | $0.85 | |red   | red apple   | $0.85 |  -------------------------------------- 

unfortunately, actual (undesired) result this:

 -------------------------------------- |green | green apple | $0.90 | |red   | red apple   | $0.85 |  -------------------------------------- 


private sub linqtwotableinnerjoincaseinsensitive(byref qmasterds dataset, _                                   byref qmastertable datatable, _                                   byref qsecondds dataset, _                                   byref qsecondtable datatable, _                                   byref qprimarykey string, _                                   byref qforignkey string, _                                   byval qresultsname string)      dim themastertable string = qmastertable.tablename 'table name'     dim thesecondtable string = qsecondtable.tablename 'table name'     dim theprimarykey string = qprimarykey 'the variable name of first 'merge on' column'     dim theforignkey string = qforignkey 'the variable name of second 'merge on' column'     dim thenewforignkey string = "" 'for handling duplicate column names'      mastertablecolumns = getcolumns(qmasterds, themastertable)     secondtablecolumns = getcolumns(qsecondds, thesecondtable)      dim mcolumncount integer = mastertablecolumns.count     dim scolumncount integer = secondtablecolumns.count      dim columncount integer = mcolumncount + scolumncount      dim linqmastertable = qmasterds.tables(themastertable).asenumerable     dim linqsecondtable = qsecondds.tables(thesecondtable).asenumerable      'original linq query: (works, case sensitive)'     dim matches = mrows in linqmastertable join srows in linqsecondtable _          on mrows(theprimarykey) equals srows(theforignkey) _          order mrows(theprimarykey) _          select mrows, srows      'intellisense doesnt see "toupper" available. no errors, no search results.'     'error: public member "toupper" on type "dbnull" not found.'     'dim matches = mrows in linqmastertable join srows in linqsecondtable _'     '              on mrows(theprimarykey).toupper equals srows(theforignkey).toupper _'     '              order mrows(theprimarykey) _'     '              select mrows, srows'       'message = "public member "srows" on type "string" not found."'     'dim matches2 = mrows in linqmastertable _'                    'from srows in linqsecondtable _'                    'where string.equals(mrows(theprimarykey), srows(theforignkey), stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase) _'                    'select mrows, srows'       'conversion type "dbnull" type "string" not valid.'     'dim matches = _'     'linqmastertable.asenumerable().join( _'     'linqsecondtable.asenumerable(), _'     'function(mrows) mrows("theprimarykey"), _'     'function(srows) srows("theforignkey"), _'     'function(mrows datarow, srows datarow) new {mrows, srows}, _'     'stringcomparer.invariantcultureignorecase)'          'doesnt work @ - multiple errors'         'dim matches2 = _'         'linqmastertable _'         '    .join( _'         '        linqsecondtable, _'         '        function(x) x.key.tolower(), _'         '        function(x) x.key.tolower(), _'         '        function(o, i) new {.id = o.key, .description = o.value, .price = i.value} _'         '    ).dump()'       ' make sure dataset available and/or cleared:'     if dsresults.tables(qresultsname) nothing dsresults.tables.add(qresultsname)     dsresults.tables(qresultsname).clear() : dsresults.tables(qresultsname).columns.clear()      'adds master table column names'     x = 0 mastertablecolumns.count - 1         dsresults.tables(qresultsname).columns.add(mastertablecolumns(x))     next      'rename second table names if needed:'     x = 0 secondtablecolumns.count - 1         dsresults.tables(qresultsname)             y = 0 .columns.count - 1                 if secondtablecolumns(x) = .columns(y).columnname                     secondtablecolumns(x) = secondtablecolumns(x) & "_2"                 end if             next         end     next      'make sure forign key unique value'     if forignkey1 = primarykey         thenewforignkey = forignkey1 & "_2"     else         thenewforignkey = forignkey1     end if      'adds second table column names'     x = 0 secondtablecolumns.count - 1 'need error handling if columnname exists'         dsresults.tables(qresultsname).columns.add(secondtablecolumns(x))     next      pleasewait(true) 'locks controls while processing data'      'copy results dataset:'     each match in matches          'build array each row:'         dim newrow(columncount - 1) object          'add mrow items:'         x = 0 mastertablecolumns.count - 1             newrow(x) = match.mrows.item(x)         next          'add srow items:'         x = 0 secondtablecolumns.count - 1             dim y integer = x + (mastertablecolumns.count)             newrow(y) = match.srows.item(x)         next          'add array dsresults row:'         dsresults.tables(qresultsname).rows.add(newrow)      next       if chkunique.checked = true         removeduplicates(dsresults.tables(qresultsname), theprimarykey)     end if      pleasewait(false) 'unlocks controls after processing data'      if not chkretainkeys.checked = true 'removes forign key'         dsresults.tables(qresultsname).columns.remove(thenewforignkey)     end if      'clear arrays'     mastertablecolumns.clear()     secondtablecolumns.clear()  end sub 

incidentally, additional information:

dim mastertablecolumns new arraylist() 'holds names of master table columns' dim secondtablecolumns new arraylist() 'holds names of second table columns' dim mastertable string 'current user selected master table' dim primarykey string 'table 0 user selected key' dim forignkey1 string 'table 1 user selected key'   private function getcolumns(byval adataset dataset, byval atable string) arraylist      if adataset nothing return nothing      if not adataset.tables(atable) nothing         dim temparray new arraylist()         x = 0 adataset.tables(atable).columns.count - 1             adataset.tables(atable).columns(x)                 temparray.add(.columnname)             end         next         return temparray     else         msgbox("there no column names in table """ & atable & """ load.")         return nothing     end if  end function 

you need specify iequalitycomparer<t> in join, can't query syntax. have use extension method syntax:

dim matches = _     linqmastertable.asenumerable().join( _         linqsecondtable.asenumerable(), _         function(mrows) mrows("theprimarykey"), _         function(srows) srows("theforeignkey"), _         function(mrows datarow, srows datarow) new { mrows, srows }, _         stringcomparer.invariantcultureignorecase) 


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