javascript - ExtJS Cell Selection Model with PivotGrid Doesn't Work -

i'm trying change selectionmodel of pivotgrid , isn't working. here code. can tell doing wrong.

i need use cellselectionmodel want drill down , need top , left axis intersection points.

i have tried 'cellclick' event in extjs 3.3 api no luck. selection model other default rowselectionmodel working?

var pivotaccumgrid = new ext.grid.pivotgrid({     store     : my_store,     aggregator: 'count',     measure   : 'my_field',     sm: new ext.grid.cellselectionmodel({  //i have tried selmodel key         listeners: {             cellselect: function(sm,row,col) {                 ext.msg.alert('click','got click!');             }         }     }),     topaxis: [ {dataindex: 'top_field'},{dataindex: 'top_field2'}  ],     leftaxis: [ {dataindex: 'left_field',  width: 80} ], }); 

this quick fix introduces new property meta in pivotgridview can later used out cell indices. of code isn't different, introduction of in renderrows , splitting of in getcellindex.

ext.override(ext.grid.pivotgridview, {         renderrows : function(startrow, endrow) {         var grid          = this.grid,             rows          = grid.extractdata(),             rowcount      = rows.length,             templates     = this.templates,             renderer      = grid.renderer,             hasrenderer   = typeof renderer == 'function',             getcellcls    = this.getcellcls,             hasgetcellcls = typeof getcellcls == 'function',             celltemplate  = templates.cell,             rowtemplate   = templates.row,             rowbuffer     = [],             meta          = {},             tstyle        = 'width:' + this.getgridinnerwidth() + 'px;',             colbuffer, column, i;          startrow = startrow || 0;         endrow   = ext.isdefined(endrow) ? endrow : rowcount - 1;          (i = 0; < rowcount; i++) {             row = rows[i];             colcount  = row.length;             colbuffer = [];              rowindex = startrow + i;              //build each column's html             (j = 0; j < colcount; j++) {                 cell = row[j];            = + '-' + j;                 meta.css   = j === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (j == (colcount - 1) ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '');                 meta.attr  = meta.cellattr = '';                 meta.value = cell;                  if (ext.isempty(meta.value)) {                     meta.value = '&#160;';                 }                  if (hasrenderer) {                     meta.value = renderer(meta.value);                 }                  if (hasgetcellcls) {                     meta.css += getcellcls(meta.value) + ' ';                 }                  colbuffer[colbuffer.length] = celltemplate.apply(meta);             }              rowbuffer[rowbuffer.length] = rowtemplate.apply({                 tstyle: tstyle,                 cols  : colcount,                 cells : colbuffer.join(""),                 alt   : ''             });         }          return rowbuffer.join("");     },      getcellindex : function(el) {         if (el) {             var match = el.classname.match(this.colre),                 data;              if (match && (data = match[1])) {                 return parseint(data.split('-')[1], 10);             }         }         return false;     } }); 


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