- Which assembly/DLL do I need in inetpub/wwwroot for launching aspx pages? -

what have add c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder serve aspx pages browsers?

my webproject in folder think i'm missing running , mvc webpages.

create virtual directories in iis

  1. click start, point programs, click select administrative tools, , click internet services manager.

  2. expand server name.

  3. in left pane, right-click default web site, point new, , click virtual directory.

  4. in first screen of virtual directory creation wizard, type alias, or name, virtual directory (such mywebdata), , click next.

  5. in second screen, click browse. locate content folder created hold content. click next.

  6. in third screen, select read , run scripts (such asp). make sure other check boxes cleared. click finish complete wizard.

  7. for asp content, may want confirm application created. this, right-click new virtual directory, , click properties.

  8. on virtual directory tab, make sure virtual directory name listed in application name box under application settings. if not, click create. note application name not have match virtual directory alias.

  9. close properties dialog box.


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