c++ - System not declared in scope? -

i know simple code, how fix "system not declared in scope" problem?

#include<iostream> using namespace std;  int main(void) {     system ( "title calculator" );     system ( "color 2" );     char cchar;     double dfirstnumber;     double dsecondnumber;     char cdoagain;          {         system("cls");         cout << "please enter first number use."<< endl;         cin >> dfirstnumber;         cout<< "please enter operation perform." << " (+,-,*,or /)" << endl;         cin >> cchar;         cout<< "please enter second number use." << endl;         cin >> dsecondnumber;          switch (cchar)         {             case '+':                 cout << "the answer is: " << dfirstnumber << "+" << dsecondnumber << "=" <<                 (dfirstnumber + dsecondnumber) << endl;                 break;             case '-':                 cout << "the answer is: " << dfirstnumber << "-" << dsecondnumber << "=" <<                 (dfirstnumber - dsecondnumber) << endl;                 break;             case '*':                 cout << "the answer is: " << dfirstnumber << "*" << dsecondnumber << "=" <<                 (dfirstnumber * dsecondnumber) << endl;                 break;             case 'x':                 cout << "the answer is: " << dfirstnumber << "x" << dsecondnumber << "=" <<                 (dfirstnumber * dsecondnumber) << endl;                 break;             case 'x':                 cout << "the answer is: " << dfirstnumber << "x" << dsecondnumber << "=" <<                 (dfirstnumber * dsecondnumber) << endl;                 break;             case '/':                 if(dsecondnumber == 0){                 cout<< "that invalid operation." << endl;}                 else{                 cout << "the answer is: " << dfirstnumber << "/" << dsecondnumber << "=" <<                 (dfirstnumber / dsecondnumber) << endl;          }                 break;                 default:                     cout << "that invalid operation." << endl;                     break;     }                 cout << "would start again? (y/n)" << endl;                 cin >>  cdoagain;     }while (cdoagain == 'y' or cdoagain == 'y');     system("pause");     return 0; } 

heres end message:

c:\documents , settings\nilo\my documents\work\testing\main.cpp||in function 'int main()':| c:\documents , settings\nilo\my documents\work\testing\main.cpp|8|error: 'system' not declared in scope||

|=== build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|

you need add:

 #include <cstdlib> 

in order compiler see prototype system().


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