ajax - Inserting html with jquery doesn't work -
i'm building simple shoutbox.
here's html :
<div id="shoutbox"> <form method="post" id="form" class="shoutbox-form"> <table> <tr> <td><label>user</label></td> <td><input class="text user" id="nick" type="text" maxlength="25" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>message</label></td> <td><input class="text" id="shout" type="text" maxlength="255" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input id="send-shout" type="submit" value="dodaj!" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <div id="shoutbox-container"> <span class="clear"></span> <div class=".shoutbox"> <div id="shoutbox-loading"><img src="css/images/loading.gif" alt="loading..." /></div> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div
here's js code :
$(document).ready(function(){ var inputuser = $("#nick"); var inputmessage = $("#shout"); var loading = $("#shoutbox-loading"); var messagelist = $(".shoutbox > ul"); function updateshoutbox(){ messagelist.hide(); loading.fadein(); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/shouts/", data: "action=refresh", success: function(data){ var data = json.parse(data); loading.fadeout(); messagelist.html(data["response"]); messagelist.fadein(2000); } }); } });
but apparently messagelist.html(data["response"]) doesn't work although firebug shows response :
{"response": "<li><strong>user1</strong><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" >test<span class=\"date\">2010-10-07 19:36:13</span></li><li><strong>user2</strong><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" >test2<span class=\"date\">2010-10-07 20:23:56</span></li>"}
if instead of success
in ajax have complete
var data = json.parse(data);
error. ideas can changed fix issue ?
update :
var c = data["response"]; console.log(c);
gives me :
<li><strong>user1</strong><img src="" alt="" >test<span class="date">2010-10-07 19:36:13</span></li><li><strong>user2</strong><img src="" alt="" >test2<span class="date">2010-10-07 20:23:56</span></li>
in firebug console.
nobody else noticed error in html.
<div class=".shoutbox">
should be:
<div class="shoutbox">
fix , see if jquery stuff works.
edit mentioned in other answers should set response type json. avoid having use json.parse()
on data. isn't necessary given use of json.parse()
on response data.
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