Select & Copy firefox content to clipboard in C or C++ -

i found few questions similar mine none of answers satisfactory , few years old. hoping perhaps progress has been made on front since then.

what interested in ability access content of active firefox window , copy clipboard -- using c or c++ code.

in internet explorer can use com's ihtmldocument2 access broswer's contents dom.

is there similar in firefox? if so, how do that?

btw, current (ugly) workaround mimic ctrl+a, ctrl+c sending virtual keystrokes, not robust , elegant solution.

ideas, tips, insight, knowledge appreciated.


note: further clarify challenge, note not interested in javascript based or flash based solution. instead, interested in c/c++ solution, if limited microsoft windows platform only.

the dom in firefox exposed c++ via xpcom beware, unlike mshtml (in ie) interfaces in mozilla not frozen unfrozen interfaces version specific , may change release release.

the xpcom equivalent of ihtmldocument2 nsidomdocument.

xpcom similar com, base class called nsisupports , has same semantics iunknown (including same binary layout , guid) don't assume maps com xpcom (for example there no idispatch in xpcom).


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