c# - How to test a directory path that matches a specific pattern/regex? -

i have following test aims ensure file path generated of specific format. using nunit's fluent interfaces, how can go this?

i having trouble regex.

  [test]     public void assetcontrolpath_shouldhaveformat_basedir_yyyy_mmm_yyyymmmdd()      {         //arrange         var basedir = "c:\\basedir";         var fpbuilder = new filepathbuilder(new datetime(2010,10,10), basedir );          //act         var destinationpath = fpbuilder.assetcontrolpath();          //assert         // destinationpath = c:\basdir\2010\oct\20101010     assert.that(destinationpath, is.stringmatching(@"c:\\basedir\\d{4}\\[a-za-z]{3}\\d{8}"));                   } 

the unit test error xxx.filepathbuildertests.assetcontrolpath_shouldhaveformat_basedir_yyyy_mmm_yyyymmmdd: expected: string matching "c:\\basedir\\d{4}\\[a-za-z]{3}\\d{8}" was: "c:\basedir\2010\oct\20101010"

edit: have switched test use @chrisf's approach. question still stands.

@"c:\\basedir\\d{4}\\[a-za-z]{3}]\\d{8}" //                              /\ bracket 

also have problem \ escaping, need \\\d{4} , \\\d{8}, want match xxx\20101010 , not xxx20101010. following fix matches correct:

var str = @"c:\basedir\2010\oct\20101010"; var re = new regex(@"c:\\basedir\\\d{4}\\[a-za-z]{3}\\\d{8}", regexoptions.ignorecase); var result = re.ismatch(str); // true 


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